*POOF* went the vests

All the Yoga Will Save the World vests have sold out.

One is in France being worn by an artist sitting in French cafes drawing. One is winging it’s way to the sunny shores of Australia to be worn a dancing lady with three of the most gorgeous children. 2 boxes of vests and hoodies have hopped over the channel to prance down the Champs Elysees. In London along the shores of the Thames you may see them on an actress, on rowers and coxes, on a writer who goes by the name of Panther, on crazy London cyclists and on that girl running like a greyhound around Richmond Park.

Thank you to everyone.

I am getting the next vests to Yoga Will save the World HQ pronto. I decided to pick the design that was ‘loved’ by that dancing mum who was the first to order off the YWSTW online shop. It’s going to look a little something like this:


The Yoga Will Save the World online gift shop has opened.

If you’d like to sign up to it’s monthly ramble do so here.

The shop sells beautiful yoga gifts, collaborations between artists, friends and dreamers. The first collection is small, some items are limited editions.

Take a look around, it’s open all hours. Tell people about it if you like what you find there.

A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.– Oscar Wilde


All the clothes sold are made by Rapanui, an organic, ethical and low carbon company. Paper goods are recycled or printed on FSC paper. Our felt cushions are made from 100% recycled plastic. When we ship to you products arrive nude with a little string around their waist just to hold them in.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.- Dalai Lama

We want to create more beautiful yoga gifts. The monthly ramblings will tell you about new collaborations, products and ideas we have brewing. We’re currently designing a unisex t-shirt and there has been a request for yoga inspired hair bobbles and knickers.

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act. – Anatole France

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To: Kath, social media wonderwoman, James, excel master, Alex, design legend, Matt, the payment systems hero, Pops, book keeper extraordinaire, Vicky, talented photographer and Sarah, a gorgeous model.

Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses. – Confucius

Under Construction: Notebooks


Last but not least, introducing the Yoga Will Save the World notebook for recording all your hopes, dreams, crushes and favourite yoga moves.

On this little cotton stitched notebook a mermaid and a merman are practicing upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana) with the quote ‘May the beauty of what you love be what you do’ printed just below them. Inside 60 pages of recycled paper are ready to be filled.

Under Construction: About Bibi

Today I wanted to tell you about Bibi who has designed 20 limited edition cushion for Yoga Will Save the World.

Bibi set up a handmade green cushion company Gabbea driven by passion for creating and her mission to help as much as possible to reduce the impact on the environment.

She uses 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottle felt, known as Eco-fi. It is strong, soft, shrinkage-resistant and colourfast felt fabric.

Below are a couple of images of a little fuchsia yogi man she has appliqued onto one of her cushions. Nipples included. I also stole a quote from her site by Jim Jarmusch.

”Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery—celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from—it’s where you take them to.”
– Jim Jarmusch