*POOF* went the vests

All the Yoga Will Save the World vests have sold out.

One is in France being worn by an artist sitting in French cafes drawing. One is winging it’s way to the sunny shores of Australia to be worn a dancing lady with three of the most gorgeous children. 2 boxes of vests and hoodies have hopped over the channel to prance down the Champs Elysees. In London along the shores of the Thames you may see them on an actress, on rowers and coxes, on a writer who goes by the name of Panther, on crazy London cyclists and on that girl running like a greyhound around Richmond Park.

Thank you to everyone.

I am getting the next vests to Yoga Will save the World HQ pronto. I decided to pick the design that was ‘loved’ by that dancing mum who was the first to order off the YWSTW online shop. It’s going to look a little something like this: